This SATS style reading comprehension booklet is designed to give your children additional experience in tackling New Curriculum SATS style texts and questions.
It offers both fiction and non-fiction texts and has an Olympic Games/Sporting theme .
Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully trialled with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.
A lovely PowerPoint slideshow based on the topic of the seaside holidays, past and present. This stimulating slideshow offers children a super opportunity to learn about different features of seaside holidays then and now.
This is the third in our series of SATs style Reading Comprehension booklet designed to provide a greater level of challenge in line with New Curriculum requirements.
This super booklet includes additional inference and deduction questions as well as a wider range of vocabulary. It offers both fiction and non-fiction texts and is based around the topic of Donkeys.
Although designed for Year 2 children, the booklet has also been successfully used with Year 3 children and so should serve as a highly useful resource for both year groups.
A stimulating collection of resources based around the life cycle of a frog. The package includes: a lovely PowerPoint slideshow examining the life cycle of a frog. Includes action buttons, animations and sound; six A4 information posters illustrating and explaining the various stages in the development of tadpole to frog: seven colourful posters sequenced to illustrate the life cycle of a frog; a set of seven frog life cycle sequencing cards ready to print and laminate and a collection of worksheet activities based around the topic of lifecycles, tadpoles and frogs.
A super PowerPoint presentation introducing children to various Christmas Traditions within the context of Christmas cards. The pack also includes a range of cards for the children to colour and write, together with two colourful Christmas word mats.
A lovely collection of Christmas resources. Suitable for Foundation Stage and KS1. Includes 2 PowerPoint presentations, Christmas bingo, reindeer number cards and a selection of Christmas worksheets.
This super collection includes a PowerPoint slideshow giving an insight into the story of the original Santa Claus; picture story booklets, Christmas dominoes game and Christmas word searches.
This lovely collection includes a PowerPoint slideshow telling the story of Nativity, Nativity sequencing cards, Nativity story pathway, Nativity picture story booklet, Nativity activity/worksheets.
This lovely booklet will provide your children with a great opportunity to commemorate their school year and prepare for the next one. The booklet has been used by myself and a number of my colleagues working within KS1 and Lower KS2. The children have loved recalling their memories, celebrating their achievements and completing this attractive commemorative booklet to take home.
A super topic package based on our sense of smell. The package includes two stimulating and colourful interactive PowerPoint presentations, a smartboard activity and a collection of worksheet activities.
A stimulating collection of resources for Easter. Includes: a PowerPoint presentation; Easter labels; Easter story mat; Easter word mat; activity sheets; story sequencing cards and a picture story booklet for children to retell the Easter story.
A super set of three stimulating PowerPoint presentations focusing in different aspects of life in Mexico. An introduction to Mexico; the people of Mexico and life in Mexico are all featured in these colourful and informative teaching resources.
A super collection of resources for the Olympic Games. Includes Olympics PowerPoint presentation, Olympics Labels, Olympics Bingo and 4 activity/ worksheets.
This lovely pack includes an informative 26 page slideshow which introduces young learners to the the essential elements of the Chinese New Year Festival in a fun and engaging way. Teachers and children alike will enjoy sharing the experiences of the Chang family, as they talk you through their own knowledge and experiences of celebrating Chinese New Year.
After enjoying the PowerPoint presentation, children can then engage in playing Chinese New Year bingo using the game included as part of this pack.
There is also a Chinese New Year word mat - a handy reference for children when engaging in written activities.
Finally, the pack includes 12 picture cards of the animals of the Chinese Zodiac, which can be used to consolidate childrens’ knowledge of ordinal numbers.